Monday 29 December 2014

December favourites

Thought i would write a new favourites post as it is coming to the end of the month and the beginning of 2015 and i have been loving lots of new products and  some christmas of my cute presents

M&S classic walnut whip
 I should probably try harder not to include food or snacks in my blogs, because I must seem so greedy! But over these christmas holidays I have eaten so many walnut whips by M&S I am afraid I might turn into one by the time i go back to school! I can't be a true walnut whip eater because I don't even eat the walnut on top, but just give it to my mum but I do enjoy the chocolate, and lightness of the vanilla froth inside. I really shouldn't live to eat walnut whips but eat to live. When I typed these in to google images because i have none left at home to take a picture of, it came up with 'walnut whip hair' clearly a new style we should all be trying out with our hair all swirled up with glitter sparkling throughout it!

Zoellas vlogs
 This next favourite is kinda random and not specific but during the christmas holidays I have spent and lot more time than i care to admit watching youtube videos, Q&A's, vlogmas, whats in my bag as well as really old blogs where they look so much younger and it is so funny how much they have changed after only a few years. My favourite has definitely been Zoella, I think she is so funny and nice I love Zalfie as well they have moved in together now! I do admire her and look up to her, she has achieved so much by a young age. If you haven't watched Zoella (though i am sure you have she is so popular!) go check out her blog or youtube channel as well as Maddie Bruce - themaddiebruce on youtube. Wow this has been a long ramble I will 
stop now!

Topshop rib funnel top and camis
In the summer, when you are walking in town you forget how warm it really is I mean you don't need a jumper or three layers in a Scottish summer though it may be hard to beleive! In the winter my mum always bangs on about me having my belly out or wearing crop tops, this winter season I have fallen in love with these high neck tops and my mum likes me wearing them as well because she says they keep me 'cosy' and my tummy is covered up. I opened a couple in my stocking from santa and I am going to Edinburgh shopping in a few days with my friend in the sales and may pick up some in the '2 for £10 deal bargain!'

 Sleek Smother lipstick
Not my lips in the photo I can never put
on lipstick that neat!
My last favourite of the month is another christmas present from my elder sister, it is the sleek smooth lipstick in the shade 'smother'. I love automnal *she checks spell check* colours in the winter and colder seasons. On christmas day i opened it in my room and was going to try it on but realised that the clumsy me had put the lid on when the stick thing was still up therefore I damaged the perfect shape and smoothness of a new lipstick and it was all smeared on the inside of the lid :( By the end of trying to tidy it up I had purple stain on every inch of my bathroom and even in the toilet somehow! I still find wee bits in places but my sister does not know I have wrecked it          all ready! I love this one because you can build it up on how deep of colour you want with the amount of layers for different shades.

Anyway that is just a few of this months favourites, I hope you find this useful or whatever people are looking for when they read a blog. If I do not blog before 2015, I hope you all had an amazing christmas and santa was good to you all and have a happy hogmanay and wishing you all a good 2015 :D x x

Sunday 21 December 2014

All Things Christmassy...

Its that time of year again,

With only three days left before christmas I am certainly embracing all of the festive cheer and here are some of my all time christmas favourites:
I love hot chocolate all year round but at christmas time gives me an excuse to drink it all year round. In the mornings especially I love making mochas to help wake me up, I always fine a spoon of instant coffee, hot chocolate, sugar then half milk half hot water always does the trick for me :D

Most christmas around the second week of christmas my sisters and I trek to Sainsbury's and buy all the ingredients for Mary Berry's amazing gingerbread house. Normally my eldest sister takes charge and just makes the whole thing but my favourite part is piping the icing all around the roof and placing santa in the chimney at the  very end, even though we never eat the gingerbread house except eating the mixture, because after christmas the gingerbread biscuit and icing have both gone rock hard so we all end up picking the chocolate buttons off and leaving the bare house standing

Normally I manage to wait till December the 1st but this year I just couldn't resist watching Nativity towards the end of November, but I am not the kind of person who can watch a christmas movie any other time of the year. Some of my favourite christmas movies are love actually, Nativity, Arthur Christmas, The grinch, elf and The holiday though I will watch any christmas movie at this time of year to get me in the festive feeling!

My last thing I love this time of year is just the family being together, for me Christmas time is one of the only times of year that all my family comes together and is willing to play board games and watch movies together, my dad takes time off work and my sister comes home from uni. This time always seem cheery with Christmas songs, cutting down the tree and trips out shopping.